Here’s How Microsoft 365 Defender Can Shield Your Company From Phishing Scams

Microsoft 365

Phishing can lose you a lot of money and expose sensitive information. Microsoft 365 Defender can dramatically mitigate this risk with several features.  D2 Solutions knows that phishing attacks are a severe threat to your business. These fraudulent actions can cause your team members to accidentally share financial, customer, and account information with cybercriminals.  How…

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Online Reputation Management is Important (And 8 Tips To Improve It)

Online Reputation

Online reputation can make or break your chances of landing and retaining clients. That’s why managing this aspect in your business is critical. Your store, whether brick-and-mortar or online, looks great. And your product or service may have struck a chord with the target audience. So, you might think there’s not much more you can…

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How to accurately predict annual hardware expenses

Predict Hardware Expenses

Pulling together your budgets for next year? While it might be hard to know how much your business will spend on software – especially as your needs change throughout the year – you can accurately budget for your hardware for the year. Hardware expenses can be hefty on your pockets and mental health. Just ask…

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A whaling what…???


Whaling? Imagine if your staff got an email, they genuinely thought was from you, but it actually wasn’t. Asking them to pay an urgent bill for a new supplier they’d not heard of before. Is there any risk they could pay it? Are you sure they’re ready and equipped to know the difference between a…

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How to turn off the built-in password manager in Chrome

Password Manager

We always recommend you use an external password manager. And if you do, disable the built-in one offered within Chrome. Here’s why – and how to do it. Transcript: If you often use the same websites, you’ll notice Chrome asks whether you want it to remember your login details. But if you use an external…

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Tech Tips: The Benefits of Sharepoint

Tech Tips Sharepoint

If you’re looking for a customized way to collaborate and share information within your business, maybe SharePoint is the answer. Our new video shows you some of exciting things you can do with it. Transcript: If you want to improve how your team works, collaborates and stores documents, then Microsoft SharePoint is a brilliant solution.…

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Tech Tips: What is Spoofed WiFi?

Tech Tips Spoofed WiFi

Are you positive that’s a safe Wi-Fi? Have you ever heard of spoofed Wi-Fi? If you ever connect to public Wi-Fi in a coffee shop or restaurant, you should be scared of it and proceed with caution. Our new video tells you what you need to know. What is spoofed Wi-Fi? Transcript: Stop – and…

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No matter what size your business… yes, you can be hacked

Cyber Security Tech Tips

They don’t always make the news; but cyber-attacks are a huge and ongoing risk for all businesses. Even small businesses are at risk. Because hackers use clever automated tools that hunt out any opportunity for them, anywhere. In our new video, we tell you about one of the biggest causes of data security breaches… and…

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