MyAnalytics will help you be more efficient

Wouldn’t it be great if you had a dashboard with information about your team’s work patterns? To help them collaborate more. And make sure they were disconnecting from work to have proper breaks.

This dashboard exists. And it’s within Microsoft 365. Our new video has the details.


If you could make your workforce more efficient – and happier at the same time – wouldn’t you do it?

The happier your team is, the more motivated and engaged they’ll be. So, it’s a win-win situation.

MyAnalytics – inside Microsoft 365 – provides the statistical information your team needs to do this. And can be used by you as a management tool.

The MyAnalytics dashboard opens to the Home page that shows your team stats about their work patterns over the past month.

Including focus and collaboration time, how many days they were able to disconnect from work, and how effectively they’re networking with colleagues.

This type of analysis can really help your team understand how focused they are during the day, and where they can make improvements to their working habits and wellbeing.

MyAnalytics is a powerful automation tool to bring all this information together in an easy way to understand.

Can we help you get this set up? Let’s talk.


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